The BFF Graduate Showcase shines a light on Belgium's top 10 fashion design graduates from across the country.
In 2023, finalists will be given the opportunity to display their collections to thousands of fashion-lovers in a 5-day exhibition and all finalists will be featured in a digital showcase, captured for Brussels Fashion Week.
The BFF Graduate Showcase fashion film will premiere as part of the Festival’s Fashion Film Award screening in October 2023.
Applications are now open and close on 2 February 2023. Please read the details below before submitting your application.
Your BFF Graduate Application
BFF welcomes applications from accredited fashion design institutions across Europe. Finalists will be handpicked by a highly credentialed panel of fashion industry practitioners including editors, curators, stylists, designers, buyers and opinion-makers.
To apply for the BFF Designer Showcase in 2023, you must:
- Be a fashion design student in the final year of a tertiary bachelor’s degree (at the time of application submission) or a recent postgraduate (having graduated mid-year in 2022 or in 2023).
- Be enrolled at an accredited Belgian or International tertiary education facility, in a fashion design-specific course (as shortlisted by the Festival).
- Have a 5+ outfit collection completed for both judging and to showcase in the fashion film and exhibition, if selected as a Finalist.
Applications open on 1 November, 2022.
Deadline for submission is 2 February, 2023 (no applications will be considered past this date).
Applications must include:
- A 250–400-word design statement detailing the creative thought-process of the collection.
- Current profile, biography and head shot of designer (for potential publicity use only).
- 4 complete looks that form your capsule collection
- A digital folio
Please see further details below regarding your hard copy and digital folio.
All applicants will receive an email to acknowledge receipt of their application
Your folio must comprise the following elements:
- Maximum 5 x A4 pages with sketches/ images/ photographs of 5 complete looks (outfits). One look per page. The looks should work together as a group of synergistic items (ie. as a collection) as well as being strong as independent items.
- Maximum 5 x photographs/images of examples of previous work.
- Any further creative examples or rationale that you wish to include (maximum of 3 x A4 pages).
Please ensure your digital folio is compressed and uploaded in one PDF document, with your name clearly labelled.
Please clearly label all pages in your hard copy (posted) folio submission.
Submissions will be judged on the basis that they demonstrate:
- A unique vision and excellence in design.
- High level production quality and attention to detail.
- Potential to contribute to the growth of the Belgian fashion industry.
- Sole work of the applicant.
- 4 complete looks suitable for inclusion in the fashion film and the exhibition.
Program Judges
Program Outcomes
All finalists will be included in the 2022 Designer Showcase program, comprising:
Collection showcase at the Brussels Fashion Festival in September-October 2022 featured in a live 5-day exhibition and as a digital presentation which will premier as part of the Festival’s Fashion Film Award Ceremony in October 2022.
Designer profile and inclusion in event listing via the Festival website.
Inclusion in national publicity and media coverage generated to support the program and designers.
Commemorative certificate.
Authorised wording to publish achievement on LinkedIn profile and CV.
Key Dates & Contacts
Thursday 9 September 2021
Designer Showcase applications open
26 July 2022
Designer Showcase applications close
Online and hard copy folio is due
26 August 2022
Applicants notified of application outcome
Mid June 2022
Brussels Fashion Festival tickets on sale
End September – Debut October 2022
Brussels Fashion Festival
End September 2022
Designer Showcase Exhibition Opening
Debut October 2022
Designer Showcase Film Premier at IFFFB
If you have any questions related to the Designer Showcase application process, please contact our Programming Team.
Submissions will be judged on the basis that they demonstrate:
- A unique vision and excellence in design.
- High level production quality and attention to detail.
- Potential to contribute to the growth of the Belgian fashion industry.
- Sole work of the applicant.
- 4 complete looks suitable for inclusion in the fashion film and the exhibition.
Submissions will be judged on the basis that they demonstrate:
- A unique vision and excellence in design.
- High level production quality and attention to detail.
- Potential to contribute to the growth of the Belgian fashion industry.
- Sole work of the applicant.
- 4 complete looks suitable for inclusion in the fashion film and the exhibition.