International Fashion Film Festival Brussels Award cultivates and promotes the art and beauty of fashion, whilst celebrating the cinematic excellence and diversity of short films.
In 2022, the IFFFB and Brussels Fashion Festival will proudly co-host a red-carpet event and exclusive screening, bringing together fashion storytellers and audiences alike to showcase the remarkable work of local and international filmmakers. For the 2022 IFFFB Awards, we welcome fashion storytellers to submit both retrospective and recent works.
Applications are now open and will close on 15 July 2022. Please read the details below before submitting your short fashion film for the Awards.
Stieglitz Fashion Film (2021) - Victor Griffioen
Anna Cordell Fashion Film (2021) - Rick M Douglas
Award Overview
Through a process of application and industry selection, the IFFFB Awards places a deserving spotlight on fashion films as a key communication platform for both fashion designers and filmmakers, and for their ability to allow audiences to experience fashion in innovative and creative ways.
The winner and all finalists will receive the IFFFB official laurel mark as recognition of their selection for the International Fashion Film Festival Brussels Awards.
All finalists’ films will feature across multiple media channels, including a dedicated public screening event in October 2022.
The Festival welcomes submissions from all around the globe. We look forward to celebrating this unique genre of filmmaking with our audiences.
9 September 2021
International Fashion Film Festival Brussels Award submissions open
15 July 2022
Fashion Film Award submissions close
15 August 2022
Applicants notified of application outcome
September-October 2022
Brussels Fashion Festival
October 2022
International Fashion Film Festival Brussels Award Ceremony Event
If you have any questions related to the International Fashion Film Festival Brussels Award application process, please contact our Programming Team.
Award Judges
Your Application
Applications must be submitted via Film Freeway online application form.
All entrants will receive an email acknowledgment of receipt of application
Applicants will be judged on the extent to which they meet the following judging criteria:
- The film celebrates and showcases Belgian and/or international fashion; either multi brand or a single designer.
- The film demonstrates a unique point of view and innovative approach to utilising filmic techniques to present fashion.
- The film has a strong directorial style.
- The film is produced with a high quality of production.
- The applicant(s) demonstrates contribution of a unique point of view to the future growth of the Belgian and international fashion film industry.
- The film complies with the Application Terms (below).
To be eligible for consideration, all films must meet the following requirements:
- The film must be 8 minutes or less (including credits).
- The film must have fashion at its core and not be a music video or have been created primarily as a television commercial.
- The film must have been completed after 1 July 2021.
- The film must be consistent with the Festival’s values.
- It must not present the use of drugs including alcohol, narcotics or other addictive substances; clothing which contains animal fur, under-aged people in a sexualised manner.
- As the selected films will be displayed in public spaces, a “G” rating classification (or equivalent) is required for all content. “G” classified media is for general viewing.
- The film must not incite, encourage or present violence, intolerance or brutality in any form; depict nudity, explicit sexual activity or crude or indecent language.
- The Festival encourages filmmakers to submit films that are as close to finished as possible. Works in progress and rough cuts will only be accepted on the condition that the only stages to be completed are colour grade, final sound mix or credits (film must be at picture look stage).
- The Festival will not accept a film previously submitted, even with significant changes.
The judging panel’s selection decisions are confidential and final and no correspondence will be entered into. The Festival will not provide critical analysis or feedback.